Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Holy Quran

Q: What this book is about?

A: Holy Quran is a book full of instructions and guidance in every way of life. It is Allah’s message to each person. Holy Quran is the book to take out humanity from darkness into light. It is a comprehensive solution to all problems of humanity. This book differentiates good from evil. The reader and follower of this book cannot go astray.

Purchase: Holy Quran is available all over the world. However, you can buy it in all islamic and other online stores.

Suggestion: Every body should read this book if he wants peace in his mind and life.

Dear Reader: Every person has different vision. Say if you have something really valuable to say about it.

Harbinger of Doom by Glenn G. Thater

Harbinger of Doom is an impressive novel.Thater has characterized the legend of Angle Theta in it; he is a fictional character that has been described in many past writings. He is fearless to battle evil. 

That was a horrific time; an evil presence is ruining mankind including knights and magicians. At that time the supernatural Angle Theta, proceed to discover what is happening. This is a battle of these two dynamic balances. This is a big fight of good and evil; a mighty entity that battles to block evil from encompassing the mankind.

The book is available at amazon.com at $9.99.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61) by Eckhart Tolle

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose is indeed very helpful book. Eckhart Tolle gives easy solutions to people for their problems. Tolle tells us that how to eliminate the disturbance in the brain and concentrate on the existing moment and the one exclusive and on going activity that you are taking on in present moment. 
The book is a retrograde of the Tolle’s early work entitled "The Power of Now". If you have already studied that book - The Power of Now – you should purchase this new book also; you will find lot of fresh material which Tolle added up in this new publish. 

In both of above mentioned books Tolle addresses the same topic. He is performing a much greater job by explaining that specific topic in both books.

At Amazon its price is Price: $7.94. You will have to pay for shipping charges by purchasing it from amazon.com. However, this book is available all famous online stores.

I think that the writer has elaborated his previous book and explained them more. I want to know about the most important chapter of the book if somebody tell me and which every person should read repeatdly. 

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ford Flex; The Car Featuring Microsoft’s Sync System

Ford – a leading car manufacturing company - inaugurated its new car model featuring Microsoft’s Sync technology. The company named this new release with Ford Flex. It’s company’s first release for Middle East customer market.
This Sync arrangement is designed to facilitate driver in using his digital music players and mobile phones keeping his hands totally free during driving. The process works via intercommunication between these devices and car’s own entertainment system. 
Ford Flex car has already been released in other parts of the world; especially in Europe but for the gulf region, it is its first introduction. While talking to newsmen, Waldo Galan (MD Ford Company) said that this model proved to be successful in other regions of the world. Especially, young drivers are found to be much fascinated with this Sync system. Waldon told that our sale had been increasingly raised extraordinarily high in younger generation. People now love to live with latest technologies and that caused them purchasing cars with latest devices.
Two companies – Ford and Microsoft – partnered each other and started working on this system two years ago. This was told by Vimal Sethi, who works for platforms and developers in Middle East and was present there to represent Microsoft. You will see Microsoft technologies everywhere around you. They started from desktops and servers and then gradually integrated their systems in mobile phones and now we are seeing them in cars also.
Waldo Galan said that no doubt it took long period (two years) to develop this system, but now it is making Ford cars stand out of the crowd. There is a big competition between auto manufacturing companies and it is the only way to compete others.
Bluetooth technology is a major player in the whole system. User just require to connect his Bluetooth-enabled device (mobile phone or any other having Bluetooth technology) to his car’s entertainment system. The Ford Flex car’s system gets connected with mobile phone of user as he enters his vehicle through the signals transmitted by Bluetooth. A button is located on steering wheel to activate Sync system. After activation, user is allowed to control it through voice commands. If user receives any sms on his mobile phone, this system is also able to read it for him.
The system is designed for maximum compatibility with different mobile phones; however it doesn’t work with all. The reason is big variety of mobile phones with newly integrated features. Currently, this Sync system is designed for specific Ford model but there are future plans to introduce it in all other car models of Ford, Lincoln and Mercury. 2010 Mustang will also be released featuring this sync system. Ford Flex price is $28,295 (MSRP). That was a Ford Flex review introduced at Gitex event. It is a great vehicle as you saw in Ford Flex pictures both interiorly and exteriorly.

How to wear hijab?

The wearing of a hijab and the manner you enwrap hijab is not a simple task it is an art in itself. There are many methods demonstrating you how to wear hijab? Or how to wrap hijab? It requires little practice to make you perfect in it. Watch a video on YouTube. You will Insha’Allah get learn about it and become expert in how to wrap hijab on your head in different stylish appear.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Surah Noor: 24
Ayat: 31 

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms”(continues)
Moroccan hijab

Fresh type of hijab famous as "Moroccan hijab". It comprises of elastic cloth and a chiffon cloth; it is made neat and tidy with satin thread and tailored together. The elastic portion of the hijab will act as an underscarf, when you put it on your head, bring up the chiffon portion and place it o'er your head through the second gap.

DKNY Handbags

DKNY stands for Donna Karan New York. Donna Karan was founder of the company. She was born in 1948 in New York. At beginning of her life, she started selling clothes for neighborhood boutique. She worked there for long period and after four years she took admission in Parsons School of Design. From there she got an education of designing. Later on in 1968, she also did a job under well-known designer Anne Klein. Patti Appall, who was a fashion designer, played a big role in polishing her qualities in designing art.

Friday, December 5, 2008

PPC Combined With SEO Give Best Results

In this article we will discuss advantages and disadvantages of pay-per-click advertising and SEO. PPC and SEO are two different strategies but when combined could be great in any web marketing plan.
There are lots of benefits which can be attained through PPC advertising in a short time. The most significant one is that you can get targeted traffic very quickly. PPC advertising is a proven successful method and being widely used nowadays. You can use new products (like Google’s Adwords program) through PPC advertising. It is a very good option. You should try it before investing a large amount for advertisement purposes. PPC advertisement is a best way for that. By paying a small amount of $5 sign up fee, you can ad through Google Adwords program. It is a quick method to get high traffic to your site; you will see results just in an hour. User is given an option to monitor click charges on his site. If these charges are getting expensive, user is also allowed to stop them. Any product maker knows better that how much it will get popularity in people; therefore he should spend his budget on clicks accordingly.
PPC advertisement is a most useful option to pick at beginning of promotion program of any business or product site. PPC advertisement helps user in knowing keywords to be used in his site.
It can be said as a first step in promotion of any site or product; now you should start concentrating towards SEO strategies. PPC advertisement requires big investment and it could be very expensive one also. Each month you would need to pay hundreds and thousands of dollars for advertisement costs. But results are rewarding and you also come to know about keywords to target through it. Now you are able to put together a plan to optimize your business site.
One major negative aspect of SEO (if you use it only – without PPC) is that it takes long time to bring your site to higher ranks; it can take up to months. Therefore it is best recommendation to conduct PPC advertisement campaign supporting it because after this initial step you would be familiar with target keywords and now it will be easy and quick to get your business or product profitable. To get natural listings to your site you need two things.
a) Contents.
b) Backlinks
You need to submit your site to different search engines; in a next step search engine spiders will find out your site. Now the optimizing way is vey clear. You will see how PPC will prove itself to be effective in your optimizing strategy.

Quantity Is As Important As Quality In Links

Links exchange is a popular technique being adopted in seo campaign. There are generally two views over its effectiveness. Some people say that it is waste of time whether some do not think it so. The ratio of people having these two type of views is almost fifty fifty. One positive aspect of this technique is that it is great in getting lots of backlinks to any website. You need both quality and quantity in them; both are equally important.
You have two options to pick from to get links. First one, as discussed above, is a link exchange method and second one is by paying big amount cheque for one way links. However, for quantity of links, link exchange is one and only way. However one way link will provide you quality and would be expensive if you use it to increase number of links to your site. 
The best and recommended strategy is to adopt both of these methods simultaneously. If you keep getting 20 to 30 links each day and continue it regularly and at the same time you also attempt to get one way links for quality links it will result much better than your expectations. You can get one way links from article submission or through some other sources. You will have to pay to get the services of these resources. If both methods are used in maximum of their potential it will impose maximum impact on your site rankings. 
I think you are much now clear about both of these methods i.e. about quality one way link & about quantity link exchange. Link exchange is a method which depends upon mutual interest of both of parties. If your site is a quality site then others will response positively to your request. You are in a big competition with other sites and you need quantity also to conquer high competition keywords.

SEO For E-Commerce Site

Any business website is always designed especially for promotion of specific products or services. If this business website is also an ecommerce site, it means that it is one step forward in a strategy towards business promotion. 
E-commerce Site provides a strong interaction with customers directly and offers them online way to purchase products or hire services. It has an edge over non-ecommerce business sites in getting revenue without spending time for that. Your e-commerce site is selling your products or services 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and even during business hours your customers don’t need to call you. There is no need to hire sales staff; your site is itself your sales representative if it provides all of information to the visitors of your site about your business. 
Despite this big importance of ecommerce site for any business, it has one drawback also. It is regarding ranking in search engine listings. Very few of ecommerce sites are indexed by spiders and fail to get high rankings in listings. On the other hand any non-ecommerce business site may fail to get big revenue but it will be placed in top ten placements and your beautifully designed e-commerce will not be found in even five pages. The result is clear that non-ecommerce site may not increase sales online but will be successful in conveying their message to their customers. The only thing which makes a difference is shopping cart.
Miva Merchant and OS commerce are renowned shopping cart systems being used by many e-commerce sites today. These systems are not designed for optimization point of view and are having low capacity to create pages. That’s why search engine spiders don’t get them in their listings. You will see that some of e-commerce sites having these shopping cart systems are listed by search engines spiders at high ranks; it is only because of 3rd party ad-ons provided to them.
Now you would ask what we should do now to solve this problem. You are having two options to pick from. One is to create a front-end page separate from your shopping cart. This will enable you to create more pages and search engine spiders will get on them. It seems to be good option but it has one negative aspect and that is it will remain restricted to a limited size of front-end size. This only thing moves us to pick second option and that is to find a search engine friendly shopping cart for your e-commerce site. It is a difficult task to do. There are many things which should be considered while making selection. You need to see some other factors also like customization capacity to your pages, its easy features to add products, making changes in your pages and most important thing is spiderablitiy of web pages it can provide. 
After making good selection you would be able to add hundred of pages to your site. It will be an expensive choice but it will also save your money to spent on development of front-end page also and compensate and benefit you later by generating substantial revenue.

Google webmaster tools

Webmasters do much work in creating a new website keeping in mind SEO’s requirements. But this initial work is not enough and SEO tasks don’t end up with just launching of any website. Each website requires proper aftercare and support forever. It should be regularly monitored also. There are chances of problems which can occur any time. Google makes it much easier for webmasters to handle all this, through offering Google webmaster tools. Webmasters didn’t have any compact solution before introduction of these Google webmaster tools.
It is a general idea that any product needs to be modified according to new demands and needs. Google knows it that’s why it has been constantly updating these tools with new innovations. Each time new and more features are being added to them. This is a great thing about that. 
One of the latest advancements they included in their tools is that they empowered it to discover web pages of any website that are linking to a 404 page. Webmaster tools team is also working on some other advance features also. It is learnt that they are going to introduce a new feature which will have an ability to scan installations, which any webmaster make on his site to secure his site from any kind of security threats. If reader of this article is a webmaster, he would have understood what I have said. But for a reader having less knowledge I feel it necessary to explain him through an example of Wordpress. Wordpress is very commonly being used in websites and it is getting very popular for having useful features. Thousands of websites have Wordpress installed on them. If you have Wordpress installed on your website and getting out of date, that feature will warn you about that through sending message in your message center. Such type of flaws can cause security problems to any website. With this new feature, Google will scan meta data in Wordpress of website. Through this information, it will come to know about version of Wordpress you are currently using.
Whenever any software or web tool is updated with latest features, many people avoid using it. They think that as they have no problem with older version, they should not take latest edition. But one thing they should keep in their mind that as version gets older and older, chances of its hacking increase. That is very important matter demanding the purchase of latest version of any software and also the most ignored one.

Google’s Latest SEO Rules

Google is a most popular search engine as compared to many others like Yahoo and MSN due to its algorithm. Another great thing about it is that it keeps going updating it frequently. Now it made another significant change in its algorithm. By this new enhancement, it is able now to find out websites which are being over optimized. Today I will discuss about that new improvement. It is very important for web developers to keep it in mind and design their SEO work accordingly to keep their site from being penalized.
Google has defined the new SEO rules through making changes in ranking algorithm. This new addition has been given a name of “Allegra”. It affected many websites recently. Many websites lost their earlier positions and some also got top positions.
However, one interesting thing is that there are many SEO firms whose own sites are being captured by Google’s new Allerga update; how can they help others? One of the examples is a website of seo-guy.com. That site was previously having placement in top 50 rankings but now has been dropped by Allegra. They over-optimized their own site by using a term of “seo” for about 46 times on their home page. Google is much concentrating on filtering out websites which are designed for user’s readability and not for search engine robots. It is a growing trend in Google now. Google took first step towards it by introducing Sandbox Effect in 2004. In that update feature, Google used to overlook new websites and didn’t show them in its results despite having valuable contents with rich keyword placement and links. That feature got much controversy at that time and people thought that Google was trying to penalize websites having SEO work on them. But we saw that just after few months, Google filtered out sites having targeted keywords by this sandbox advancement and placed them on their deserving rankings.
Nothing is unexpected from Google. You can expect such advancements to be introduced by Google many times in a year. So, if you are planning to have a website for your business, right search engine Optimization Company will only be a right selection. It will make difference between you and your rivals in success and failure of online business.

Guide To Link Building Campaign

There are lots of reasons to conduct a link campaign for your site. In Google, link is a key element in giving a rank to any site in search engine results page i.e. SERPs. After knowing that how crucial factor is it in Google’s algorithm, it becomes necessary to include it in your search engine marketing efforts.
There are two main techniques being used in link building which include reciprocal link and one-way (in-bound) link. In reciprocal link technique, two sites exchange links with each other whereas in second way, one site links to other without getting a link in return. Reciprocal link exchanging is a time consuming process. In this process, webmaster will search for sites on internet which are relevant to his site (in theme) to trade links with; however, it is not demanding to have same theme.
Webmaster gets a list of suitable sites and then sends an email to other sites’ webmasters requesting for link exchange. In that email he will include title, URL, and description of his site and make a request in one or two lines. If other party responses positively, he should link that site on his site and also send an email with URL informing that their link has been added. He should also routinely check his links. This will keep him inform that they are still linking to his site. 
In-Bound (One-way) Link technique is the best one to have valuable links. It is not very much difficult task to do but it demands little bit extra effort. You can get one-way links in an easy way by doing directory submissions. There are many directories offering free services. It demands time and effort to get listed. You can also get this service by paying to fee-based directories. It all depends how much you can afford to pay for that. You should make submission to all directories which you think are suitable for your campaign.
Another method to get in-bound links is to do a press release. Prwire is popular site rendering these services. You can take benefit of their free service. You will get site exposure and in-bound links as well. If you can write articles or columns, you can publish your site content on many sites offering that service. Some of them may say that it could result penalty on you for having duplicate material. Therefore you should publish your content on your own site first and then submit to them to reserve rights of content material. 
If you are doing online business, it is recommended that you must include URL of your site in your email. Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail are being mostly used by people all over the world. These are all web-based systems. These search engines consider URLs included in an email. This method will also increase your back-link totals. 

Content Can Really Make Your Website

Content plays a very significant role in any type of website. From SEO point of view, it cannot be overlooked. In this article I will try to tell you some of the biggest advantages a well-written and genuine content can give you to bring your website up in SE ranking. It is a best technique which is practiced in SEO. There are lots of ways to use it and its benefits are countless. Below are some of them.
1- Any website which is having valuable content on it will attract search engines. That website will receive targeted “long tail” keyword searches from SEs. This specific traffic cannot be directed by using regular SEO techniques.
2- Search Engines look for websites having latest information on them. That is why, it prefer news and blog sites more than other regular websites. A website which is being daily updated is caught by Search Engines spiders more quickly. Users also go to those websites which are having new information on their pages. As a result of frequent visits by people website is indexed quickly.
3- Websites having latest news and blog receive comments from visitors of the website. These comments are generally posted by people directly related to that topic and itself are very informative. When other visitors read these comments they also start participating. That forms a sort of discussion among visitors. These user’s comments and discussions give a free content to the website and increase public participation. Search Engines prefer such type of websites for indexing and ranking.
4- If you are having a website for your business then it means that you are selling products and rendering services through it. You should have such type of content which can attract visitor and they are compelled to enquire about your products and services. That content can play a role of sales tool for your business.
5- Your website is a platform where users interact with each other. User come to your website again and again and post comments on it. These comments provide free content to your site and people got a place to interact with each other.
6- Website needs to be regularly updated with latest informative contents. Visitors always come back to only those sites which are having updated, latest and valuable information on them. There is no reason for visitor to go to that website which is not being updated frequently on daily basis and left untouched for a long time.
These were some of the major benefits which I tried to cover up in a short article. There are many other benefits also; for example it encourages people to subscribe to your site and it also increases internal link strength of site.

Professionalism Needed In PPC Campaign

To conduct a good PPC campaign it is needed to be carried out through professionalism. Here in this article we will talk about some factors and ways which are informative for any person who want to do it so.
Analytics show that any business site having Pay Per Click campaign gets 80% of its sales from 20% of its search phrases. You should know about that principle if you are conducting Pay Per Click Campaign. Knowing is very essential because through this you would be able to concentrate on that and put all of your efforts and would be able to manage your budgets accordingly. In your Pay Per Click campaign make a search for niche search phrases for your business site. You should select phrases that are having low number of competing sites (generally for which we use term of CPC) but having good impressions.
Always try to use keyword in your PPC ad title and if it could be possible then also use it in the description also. Worldwide research on different sites showed that sites having search terms in them usually gain 60% more perceived quality than sites without them. Selection of words should also be made wisely because you are limited in having character space. You should use words having positive impact on visitor of your site - such as “maximize”, “exclusive” and “indulge”. Try not to use negative phrases such as “Difficult” or “Expensive”.
Geography should be considered very importantly. If your web site is selling any product or rendering any services to local area or in your geographical region, then you should make it sure that name of your area (state or city) should be included in your phrases. I can illustrate it through an example; let’s say that a company is having its business of property in New York City, that company can use phrases like “New York Property Center” or “buy New York Property”. Such types of phrases are very valuable. If you are having any business, then use such type of phrases to attract SEs and visitors as well.
We tried to accumulate some of the techniques useful to conduct a successful PPC campaign. You can also further improve it through testing and refining them more.

Technology To Communicate Through Thought

US Army has granted to develop such an e mail or voice mail system which could only work on thought. They demanded that it should be designed so that there should be no need to dial phone, speak word or type to send this mail. 
This technology has been given name of synthetic technology. It will be able to read electrical activity going on in mind of any person. The technology of electroencephalograph (EEG) will be used for that. Such type of technology has also been introduced earlier, which is being used to control video games. This idea to communicate through thought is not a new concept. In 1960, a scientist used this concept in his experiment. He linked EEG with his head and tried to compose Morse code messages through alpha waves of his mind.
The research is going on in three American universities which include University of California, Irvine, Carnegie Mellon University and University of Maryland. This is a heavy project. Army is granting these universities for its development. They demanded that the system should be capable to compose message through thoughts. Secondly it also should have power to send it to other individuals or devices. Recipients should also be able to read this information in voice or text form.
D’Zmura said that this thought-based communication system will get more popularity in a civil sector as compared to military. It is expected that it will greatly help in medical field especially for the patients of Lou Gehrig. When that disease gets severe condition, the patient’s muscles get weaker whereas his thoughts work accurately. For these patients this synthetic telepathy will help them in communicating.
Three types of technologies are being used in its development which includes EEG, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). Each of the technology is having its own functionalities. Among them EEG is a cheaper, lighter and fast technology. These technologies will be mapped with each other. This arrangement will enable computer to perform its function. When any part of the brain lights up on EEG, this system will understand which word or phrase the mind is trying to say.
However there are also some technical problems in it which should be resolved before deploying it for practical use. Everything is possible in science world; 40 or 50 years ago no body could think about technologies we are using now. Similarly, we can hope that after some years all what we are thinking about thought technology would be available in market.

The Use Of Sugar Coating To Make waterproof papers and cardboards

Entirely reusable waterproof paper and cardboard containers can be prepared by utilizing a new finishing derived from sugarcane, told by researcher scientists. Organic chemist, Les Edye is working on this idea with his fellow scientists from CRC for Sugarcane Innovation through Biotechnology in Brisbane, Australia. He tells that surfacing could supersede wax and plastic finishing; these are the materials presently being used on containers used for fruits, food and drink packagings.
He told that wax-surfaced cardboard containers are not capable of being used again; for example boxing used for fruits. Finishing being used nowadays, such as wax, interfere with paper-making tools and machinery. Edye and his fellow scientists have produced a new finishing developed from sugarcane polymer.
A complex polymer is unbending, waterproof cement like material. It serves in feeding plants structural physical energy and strength. In normal wood, polymer material is classified through extracting elastic polysaccharide substance from which paper is prepared. However, the procedure chemically changes polymer and alters its characteristics. As a result it cannot be utilized for coating and finishing purposes.
Edye said that we have different sort of machinery and procedure for sorting out sugarcane into its constituents in such a way that polymer can be obtained in useable form. The chemical process is having green chemistry. It would not make any waste matter in process ending. However, Edye didn’t render additional information on the procedure due to privacy concerns.
Scientists have made a light brown suspension-on polymer finishing. They tried it out on a number of paper samplings. The finishing has been equivalent to wax finishing regarding functionality; however it is having patent results. It can be set back into taking out process (i.e. pulping) to form recycled paper material. Edye told that we do have position of substituting a wax material from a petroleum material with fuel which is a limited resource. CRC is making deal of their new technology invention engineering with some of major packaging and paper companies of the world.

Electrically Flipped Magnets Can Increase Memory-Part-2

Energy savings
Eiji Saitoh is a physicist at Keio University, Japan; he is not a member of the research team doing work on this project but published a report on the fresh research released alongside this. He said that whenever a new way is processed to a level it could flip domains completely, by 180°; this method could be employed to create memory cells for magnetic RAMs. Tuning up the alchemy of the substantial may cause that possible.
Hideo Ohno, leading scientist of Tohoku team, states they have already began to process that formula. The team has additional future computer storage engineering included in their plans. Modern electric field way better provide power economies over spin-torque MRAM. That is a memory heavily enthroned in by computer hardware companies.
Although [spin-torque] is an anticipating and feasible approach, now it demands high current density for alternating magnetic induction direction. Our access is likely to leave in more effective energy-saving alternating.

Electrically Flipped Magnets Can Increase RAM--Part-1

Physicists in Japan developed a new method to control magnetization. This may create lower energy-hungry memory for futuristic computing devices. Within magnetic stuffs, little parts called domains act suchlike individual magnets. They can give their north-south orientation switched by a flux.
Nowadays computer hard discs function by employing electromagnets to switch clusters of domains backward and forward between two existing orientations. In such way, they encrypt digital 1s and 0s. The most innovative kinds of temporary memory - RAM - employ similar method. But Japanese researchers have demonstrated that there is potential to control magnetic domains in a semiconducting material without employing magnets. They only apply an electric field of force, rendered by employing electromotive force to a closest electrode, to flip magnetic domains.
That evokes that turning over magnetic memory may become simpler and more effective than it is at present, providing more compact and quicker computer memory. Instead utilizing current to force an electromagnet to turn over domains - an ineffective operation - middleman can be cut down and domains alternated at once.
Switching by degrees
It was seen that an orientation of magnetized domains in many stuffs is associated with concentration of charge carriers. For example electrons which are present inside them. Team from Tohoku University is working on that and discovered that this relationship could be used. They told that by controlling charge-carrier density it is really possible to switch an alignment of domains - altering 1s to 0s and contrariwise.
They employed an iron-based semiconducting material. In that arrangement, there are two varieties of charge carrier i.e. electrons and voids - "holes" which could carry them. Concentration of both voids and electrons could be changed by utilizing an electric force field to substantial via a close electrode. The result of that could be estimated by running current and reading an electromotive force. The investigators were capable to affirm that they can turn domains about by equal to 10° employing just electrical energy, not an electromagnet.

Creation Of Invisible Cloaks-Part-2

The application, which could be made, is specific lens system for optical microscopes. This could focus on things as smaller in size as molecules. However, the holy grail of metamaterials has turn into rather invisibility screen. That provoked human being imagination from H.G. Well’s novel "Invisible Man" to today’s adventuring films of character Harry Potter.
American military is funding the research. The research is focused to create substances that could usher in a wholly future generation of stealth technology engineering. The metamaterial made by Zhang and his fellow scientist features a multi-layered fishnet construction. It is made of alternating layering substances of silver and magnesium fluoride. These materials are transparent throughout an extremely broad range of light orientations.
According to Zhang in the news published in Sunday Times, he said that in invisibility cloaks or protective covering materials, substances would move the direction of light waves totally around the thing just in a manner a river flows around a rock. An observer taking a view of the cloaked thing would then see light from its back and it seems to be disappeared.

Creation Of Invisible Cloaks-Part-1

The old time fiction of yielding things invisible took a distinct step toward reality now. Scientists claimed that they had now made a stuff that can deflect electromagnetic radiation light into three directions. At presently the disappearing act occurs on a nanoscale. Its measurement is determined in billionths of a meter.
Scientists said that there is no cause why same rules cannot be increased proportionally in future time to create invisibility cloaks in a larger size which could hide a person. If so it can be used to hide even a tank or a tanker. The innovative tries out are recently conducted by Xiang Zhang at University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Its reports were published in British journal Nature and U.S. journal Science.
New experiments have developed some other so-called Meta materials also. These substances are engineered in a synthetic way. They are having optical characteristics that change the direction of light in unnatural manner. However these recent experiments had two big severe limitations. First one was that they just function on microwave area of an emitted light spectrum. They move direction of wavelengths long to a greater extent to be seeable by a human naked eye. Second and last problem was that it merely functions on slender, two-dimensional arrangements.
The newly created material, by contrast, makes what is generally called as "negative refractive index". It is required to create an invisibility cloak within a visible light spectrum and in three particular directions. Negative refraction which is also known as "left-handed" are the substances which move light in a manner which is opposite to general "right-handed" principles of electromagnetic. The light rays move in the contrary direction that it generally would move when entering from one medium to any other medium (for example when it moves from air to water or glass).

Age Telling Software

New software has been developed designed to tell an age of a person by just taking picture of him. The assessment of an age would be made through an appearance of that person. However precision is not guaranteed.
This software is developed in University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The developers of this software trained it through feeding pictures of 1,600 people. They gave five pictures for each person to the system; it means that record of 8000 pictures is given to the software. Age range of these persons is from 1 to 93 years. You can assess better that this software is able to tell any age.
The software functions with computer; after taking picture of a person it matches it with it a record given to it and this enables it to tell about its assessment. Gray scale plays a major role in the assessment process. For example, if an image is having dimension of 100 X 100 pixels, it means that there are total 10000 numbers of pixels in a picture. Each of the pixels is having its separate level. Each level depends on darkness and lightness of its gray scale. The software works on each pixel and collectively gives its result.
This software also determines shape of face of a person. It recognizes eyes, nose, ears, and shape of mouth also. This additional information is also very helpful in telling an age. It is told that it also assesses gender of a person and determines his emotional expressions also (like smile, surprise or negative emotions). Almost 90 percent of its results are seen to be accurate.
Many large companies are approaching Huang to get this software. Huang says that this software will be very useful in future for security companies. It will replace present technologies of fingerprints and palm vein scans. It could be used at ATMs and at entrances of buildings with other technologies to better safeguard the security.
Huang and Philips are doing some additional research to avoid requirement of any extra hardware like camera or special lighting. One problem which is being tried to solve is that it only works if the face picture is captured from straight direction. The researchers are trying to refine this software more, that it could be able to read face from any direction. It is hopefully said that in near future it will be ready for commercial use.

Secret Monitoring Of Mobile Phone Owners-Part-2

Research studies made on normal behavior at public locations is an interesting thing for scientists. It can be performed anywhere, Caplan told. However any person’s mobile phone is not a public item; it is a personal thing. Monitoring it and its user is a violation of private life.

Paul Stephens is a policy director working at Privacy Rights Clearinghouse in San Diego. He commented on that and said that nonconsensual component of research raises Big Brother matter. It is certainly a major concern for some people. These are individuals who actually don't like to be monitored. They must not be tracked without their permission.
Study co-author Hidalgo stated that a statistic and a specific example are two different things just like how some individuals purchase any particular brand of computer. Individuals monitored in research are more statistics as we saw in examples. If information goes into wrong hands it could be misused by them. However, the research scientists used this information at broad patterns; they don’t use it for evil things. They are trying to make the world somewhat in a better form.
The information about people's travel patterns would help in designing better transportation arrangements. This can help doctors in fighting dispersion of contagious diseases. The study results also tell us something interesting about people. For example, people run to go to same locations several times in their routine life. The research showed that almost half of the individuals in the research go to an area more than six miles far. 83 percent of the individuals almost remain within a circle of 37-mile. 
There are also some individuals who travel very much. These peoples move approximately more than 150 miles every weekend to meet their girlfriend. Almost 3 percent of people travel for about more than 200-mile on regular basis. And only less than 1 percent of individuals go out of 620-mile area. However, most of public like to remain closer to their residential area. Hidalgo stated that he knows why it is; the reason is there are many people who don't like feverish lives. Travelling is a hassle activity.

Secret Monitoring Of Mobile Phone Owners-Part-1

In America, investigators secretly tracked locations of 100,000 individuals beyond boundary of United States through their mobile phones. This study brought them to a conclusion that most of them rarely stray more than couple of miles from their residence.
This unique study of new type performed by North-eastern University arouses privacy and ethical matters for its monitoring techniques. It would be contrary to law in United States. It also conceded many surprising outcomes. One of them is how little people travel from place to place in their daily routine lives. Almost three-quarters of those investigated individuals remained within 20-mile-wide area for a period of half of year. The scientists didn’t mention where this study was made. They just told about location which was an industrialized public area somewhere in America.
The scientists make use of a cell phone towers to monitor people's locations each time they had phone calls or text messages for six months. In another set of records, scientists monitored 206 mobile phones having built in tracking devices in them. They received records for their localities every two hours within a week. The research work was made on mobile phone records from a private company whose name was also not mentioned.
Cesar Hidalgo is a co-author of the research work published in magazine; he is a physics researcher at Northeastern. He told that he and his fellow scientists didn't know the people’s cell numbers. Reason is that they were made unrecognizable into 26-digit-and-letter codes. Such kind of nonconsensual monitoring would be contrary to law in United States, stated by Rob Kenny, who is a spokesman for Federal Communications Commission. Consensual tracking is never allowed by official rules. It is also marketed as a special featuring technology by some U.S. mobile phone providers.
Research work was published in Journal Nature. It pioneers an area of human-tracking for scientific needs and calls attention to what people said is a major issue of privacy. This is a new breakthrough in science, stated by study co-author Albert-Lazlo Barabasi; he is a director of Northeastern's Center for Complex Network Research. He further said that this is for the first time in history that we have got a way to objectively go after different specific aspects of human attitudes.
Barabasi told that he spent nearly half of his time on this research. He remained worried about privacy matters. Investigators didn't know which phone numbers were monitored. They cannot tell precisely where individuals were present. They only told which closest mobile phone tower was controlling the calls. They began work from 6 million phone numbers and then selected 100,000.
Barabasi told that he did not examine with any ethics committee. Had he performed so, he could have received an earful, said by Arthur Caplan, who is a bioethicist at University of Pennsylvania. There is great deal going on here that arranges ethical alarm bells relating privacy and trustiness.

Bioplastic Manufactured By Biodegradable Resource Materials

The plastic materials which are manufactured by taking renewable resources as a raw material (e.g. corn) are more preferable than other conventional materials. The best thing about such type of resource materials is that they are biodegradable. 
Researchers always remained involved in studies about making comparative analysis for different resource materials regarding their environmental and commercial benefits. These studies gave information that such type of resource materials are having additional advantage of producing lesser amount of greenhouse gases as compared to other petroleum-based plastic materials being manufactured nowadays.
The research work is going on at University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Jain Yu and Lilian Chen are the two major research scientists doing work on this phenomenon. They produced a bioplastic named “polyhydroxyalkanoates” – PHA - and studied rate of greenhouse gas emissions. They made this plastic by bacteria by growing it on corn-based sugar.
During commercial manufacturing of ethanol through stalks and leaves of corn plants, waste material is obtained as a left over. These two scientists worked on producing PHA plastic from that waste material. It will be a new thing in commercial production.
These two scientists measured an amount of CO2 emitted from different type of materials including chemicals, fertilizers and fuels and emissions given out by their process to compare them with each other. CO2 is generated from two ways during its production. This includes fermentation process and energy combustion. This analysis doesn’t include CO2 emitted from energy part.
As a result of this comparative analysis, these two scientists told that in a production of one pound PHA, approximately .49 pounds of CO2 is generated whereas same amount of conventional plastic produces two to three pounds of CO2. The difference is very great. It will be very positive for environment. Another plastic material with the name of Polylactide (PLA) is being produced in Minnesota-based NatureWorks, LLC. They are producing it commercially. That production is said to generate .27 pounds of CO2/1 pound plastic.
Erwin Vink told that they worked on all the places from where greenhouse gases are being emitted. They came to know that biggest portion of CO2 is being generated through fermentation process whereas electricity is the second to contribute to it in a major amount. This new development will not only be beneficial for environmental reasons but it will also do a great job economically.

Electric Power Generation by Wiggling Plastic at River Bottom Part-2

Final plans will not affect health and appearance of Kiski. The researchers ensured that they will keep them all. This includes fishing, canoe trips and other recreational activities going on there. Christopher Lynch who is a smart materials researcher working in University of California, Los Angeles says that this is a first freshwater hydroelectric power project of this type of design and form. Normally freshwater energy is generated by damming a river. It is attained by flooding large areas behind dam. That produces plenty of pressure to move a turbine. It then generates electric power.
It is a most result oriented method to get river's energy. At the same time it also has ecological consequences of intensive nature. Weiland's method is not able to produce as much electric power as created by any hydroelectric dam. But good thing is that it would keep river intact and healthy. Lynch says that all of these facts are very interesting about that plan.
In future, a big percentage of energy will be generated from rivers, ocean waves and streams. These sources will be an important segment of future power generations. Weiland's smart materials project is a first step towards developing Vandergrift from steel town to green town. It is small part of larger series of projects.
Scientists are trying to reduce electric power consumption. This is being achieved by introducing a farmer's market, solar panels, and education programs on energy conservation. Good results would be achieved if all of the mentioned efforts went successful. Weiland guesses a PVDF-based smart materials grid would be able to produce as much as 40 percent of whole town's electricity needs. Weiland said that only requirement is cooperation and motivation of town people. These factors are required to reach that destination point. Such type of smart technologies can play a big role in helping us working on way towards sustainability.

Electric Power Generation by Wiggling Plastic at River Bottom - Part-1

For hundreds of years, human being has been making dams on rivers and streams to grind grain. They have been using it to generate electricity also. Scientists are going to make a new and more distinctive form of freshwater power. It will make its debut in Vandergrift, Penn which is also known as old steel town.
They will produce it by making use of grid of electricity-generating materials. They will establish them at bottom of Kiskiminetas River. It will be having full scheme of energy conservation efforts. Vandergrift is likely to fulfill almost 20 to 40 percent of city center's electric power needs.
Vandergrift will be a model green town. This was stated by Lisa Weiland - scientist at University of Pittsburgh. She was part of the team working on this project. Vandergrift is situated at north-east of Pittsburgh. Until now it was said to be model steel town but presently, as Weiland tells, it is making over itself and trying for sustainability.
That sustainable power will probably be generated from a grid of rolling strips. These strips will be constructed of polyvinylidene fluoride or PVDF. This is a material that produces a slight electrical current and generates the power when moved by currents and whirlpools produced in Kiskiminetas River. These materials are named as piezoelectric. By this mechanism would be passed towards small substations. It will move along river's edge before charging number of batteries arranged in a single unit form.
Weiland told that there are some many other materials also that can work in a better form. They can produce higher energy densities. But we want to endure loss of a little power to keep ecosystem functioning.
Kiskiminetas River is widely known by a name of Kiski. It is about 40 yards broad when it crosses Vandergrift. Weiland presently decides to lay a grid having width of 30 yards and length of approximately a mile. It is planned to establish it down on the river bed to help supply power to the city. Exact details are not currently available. More information is yet to come about density of the grid, length of PVDF strips and time to lay down the grid. Research work is going on these aspects.

Thuraya Marine: Satellite Telecommunication Device

An exhibition of GItex is going on in Dubai and many major companies from all over the world are presenting their superlative technological creations. Thuraya Satellite Telecommunication Company is also there to introduce a new technological device with name of “Thuraya Marine”. The name itself tells that the device is manufactured for some sort of sea activities. It will be useful in executing search and rescue operations in distress situations carried out by seafarers. This is not first of its kind but its features make it significant from others. It is a big contribution to search operations.
The company’s high officials are also present at company’s booth to tell people about this new device. Yousuf Abdulla Al Sayed (Chief Executive Officer) and Ali Saeed Al Mazrooei (Chief Technology Officer) are also there to represent their company in that mega event. They told newsmen that if any seafarer gets lost while voyaging, he would now be able to contact control units offshore and onshore by a single pressing of button. The technology works with satellite; therefore it also doesn’t matter how far he has gone and irrespective of location. Satellite will provide exact location of vessel. It would make it possible to access the vessel through constant communication between both parties. That communication will not only be in form of transmitting signals to each other but both parties could also have a talk. The device is having stable omni-directional antenna on it. The whole system will work through a strong network between offshore/onshore control unit and distressed seafarers. 
It will render them a cost effective mean of communication in marine activities. Despite that this device is specially designed for above mentioned purpose but the company’s official also said that it can work for variety of other communication purposes also. 
Thuraya had also manufactured many innovative devices in past. One of them is its recently introduced new location-based service. The company partnered Geonix in its development. This device works with Thuraya handset. By using it, any individual can locate and see its position on map. This device also works with satellite. User can also see satellite images and aerial photography irrespective of its location in any part of the world. 
All of Thuraya products function via satellite; this means that there is no doubt about its precision. Thuraya Telecommunication Company is having other projects also to launch in communication technology world in future. 

New Magnetic Device To Treat Depression

American Government has approved a new magnetic device for a treatment of depression. It will be the first noninvasive brain stimulator for this problem. The device will be attached with head. It will transmit magnetic pulses. Physicians are currently practicing techniques of implanting electrodes and shock therapy which have few risks in their practicing. This new device will eliminate all dangers of previous treatments. It has been named as ''Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation'' – TMS. This will be an easy form of treatment but isn’t offered to all patients of depression. It is permitted to use for only those patients who couldn’t get better results from their drugs for depression. It will be a better option for these kinds of patients relieving them from taking pills over pills.
It will be a costly treatment. It is said that device will cost between $6,000 and $10,000. The cost will depend on usage of machine (stage of disease). This price tag is much higher than the medications. This device is not new in brain studies. Neuroscientists have been using it as a tool in their research work over brain activities. Now the scientists are moving a step forward to use this tool to treat the disease.
In the treatment of depression, doctors adjust that machine at left front side of head. A magnet transmits 3,000 pulses in a brain to harness brain activity. This process continues for 40 minutes. Patient needs six week (five days in a week) treatment to complete his course. The treatment is entirely safe with no bad consequences on patient as we see that after shock therapy patient receives memory problems.
Newman was a patient of depression. He told that he was suffering from this problem when he was a boy. He started treatment but medicines and pills made it worse than before. He told that he was thinking about shock therapy treatment when he came to know about TMS. He started it and just after two weeks, he felt a big improvement. Psychiatrists also measured his depression to be better than past.
The research scientists are now moving towards developing noninvasive electrical stimulation techniques for brain. Such type of techniques will be a big breakthrough for these types of problems because many patients hesitate in taking medicines.

General Electronic’s New Camera Range At Gitex’08

World’s largest companies are present at Gitex’ 08 event with their innovative creations. At an event of such a big level, presence of General Electronics Company (widely known by GE) is obvious. General Electronics is a second largest company of the world. GE is participating Gitex with its new range of digital cameras. 
UAE and whole middle-east is growing market of electronic products. GE launched its new camera range for this crucial market. Three ranges are released; these are A, G and E differentiating each other with their pixel specifications. In A series, GE is presenting their four models; these cameras are ranging from 7 mega pixels to 12 mega pixels. In E series, there are 2 cameras with 8 mega pixel specification whereas one camera model is being introduced in G series with the name of G2; it is an 8 mega pixel camera. Usually cameras are released in two main colors that are black and silver grey; but these cameras will be available in some other attractive colors also.
The camera range is splendid not only in respect of its attractive colors but also regarding its features and enhanced functionalities. In most of latest camera models available in market nowadays, user needs especially designed computer software to edit photographs. This procedure also takes hours to edit them. This new camera range has ruled out need of such requirements. The user of this camera will be able to share snaps quickly and would be able to upload them on social networking websites.
All of these models are equipped with some of newly created technologies. Among them, the significant one is its smile and blink recognition feature. The user will find this functionality in its face detection feature.
Lots of things are needed to be done for the promotion of GE brand in middle-east region. This release is a sort of breakthrough for GE popularity. Mr. Yasser Sharaf (MD of Sharaf Electronics) hopefully said that this new release will play a key role in highlighting GE products. This new series of GE digital cameras has contemporary designing. It includes new features coping with modern day requirements of young generation. It will grab the attention of youth definitely for having casual appeal also.

Microscopic Solar Cells

Solar technology always remained an area of attention for scientists and researchers all over the world. This is a mean of energy generation which is likely to replace all other sources of power in future. Some of the recent advancement by development of microscopic solar cells is considered as a breakthrough in solar technology. These solar cells are 200 times thinner than human hair. New creations of micro technologies need such type of power sources. It will be used in nanoscale gadgetry of future time.
It will be equally useful for civil and military uses. Lots of consumer devices are available in market, which need small power source for their small sized components. Big benefit will go to medical field. Modern in-body treatments use very light and thin elements to place them inside body of patient. These electrical components need micro level of electric power for their functioning to avoid any kind of hazardous effects to patient’s body. It will work for them also. In five to ten years it will be available in market with all kind of such devices.  
After the development of these micro cells, scientists also faced problem to power them. That was other big task for them at that time. But later on Charles Leiber and his fellow scientists provided solution for that also. They carried out their research work at their Harvard University and developed a silicone nanowire to convert sunlight to electric power. It is also ultra-small in size and almost invisible to human eye. One single nanowire would be having capacity to produce 200 picowatts of electricity for solar cells (One picowatt is equal to two-hundred billionths of a watt). You can say that what would this low amount of energy do? But people having knowledge about micro-technologies know that it is enough energy to empower ultra-low power electronics (especially being used in medical field). Requirements of single electronic device will be very low as compared to number of interconnected devices. For such type of arrangements it will be required to build an array of nanowires.
There are some sources and methods being used today also but these are very expensive, bigger in size and non-renewable. This new source is not only small in size but also renewable. This nanowire is made of silicone rather than any metal. It is having three layers in its construction. When sunlight strikes outer layer it generates electrons. They are transfused to second layer and then to inner layer. The process is somewhat like electrical batteries having + and – charges on them.

The Pico Projector; World’s Smallest Projector

World’s smallest projector has been launched at Gitex’08 Dubai exhibition for Middle East market by Optoma. It has been introduced with the name of ‘Pico Projector’. Optoma is a top ranked company in manufacturing digital projection and display devices. Optoma devices have always been an award winning products.
“Pico” can be interconnected with personal media players, cellular phones, PDA’s, cameras and gaming devices. User can enjoy full large screen viewing with this small device. Practical demonstration is also being given there for visitors at the exhibition by connecting their own devices with Pico to show them how it functions.
All of its features are amazing. The device, which is almost equal in size to mobile phone, is very compact in size. It weighs just 115 grams. It is offered with 20,000 hours of lamp life. It has also an integrated speaker in it. Its battery life is up to 2 hrs. Its size is as smaller as could possibly be made in today’s technology world; user can carry it anywhere without feeling burden of it. It is now smallest and lightest projector available in market.
Its user will be able to project movies and images directly from his media device up to a diagonal image size of 60”. It means that its size is increased up to 100 times more than the source device screen. It is highly portable and pocket sized device. It is incorporated with advanced Digital Light Processing (DLP™) chipset and runs on it. This installed chipset features most advanced DLP™ technology and LED illumination features. Its display will not be a fuzzy one. Its user will enjoy clear, bright, high contrast images projected by Pico.
The company is also launching some other high-definition projectors and solutions in this exhibition. The great thing about all of their presentations is their ultra-portability. The visitors at Gitex can get hands-on experience of Optoma projectors. New EP1080 is also being introduced. It features 3600 lumens. One another latest product is EX525ST; it is a short throw projector. It is best in its family. Optoma is also providing solutions in display technologies; one of them is their new digital signage solution. They are introducing it with their new product EP782. That projector can make a 3-mtr wide display screen. HD65 is another release and much cost-effective. This is a new and most advanced solution in their line of home cinema releases.
Optoma introduced its products first time in Middle East market in 2006. It made its place in that region market through introducing innovative devices within a short period and has got big part of market.

Office 2015; Your Office Is With You Around The World

In today’s modern world, strong emphasis is on making offices more and more one-touch controlled; by seeing this new trend, anyone can easily imagine what will be an office design and what technologies will be in use in future. New electronic devices and computers are ruling out use of papers in offices. However, use of paper can never be totally eliminated; it would be a false perception if anyone says it. 
At Gitex, the concept and design of a future office is displayed in which documents will be available by a single press of a button and the office will be having paperless systems. Presently, offices are being managed by a single click of a mouse but in future it will reduce it more. It is the concept of office 2015.
Researches showed that in present world, people focus mainly towards making their offices more user-friendly. They want greater interactivity between officers and workers. They want to interact with each other through technology rather than physical communication.
IBM Research started up a project named Blue Space in 2002. The company took Steelcase as a partner in that project. It was planned to design an office keeping workers more interconnected with one another which could also be altered to certain requirements. That could be shaped through a single button press whether user needs privacy, discretion or connectivity with workers. They wanted to make it far more responsive and interactive than today’s offices.
The technology of identification badge is used in this office. Software will tell your colleagues about your presence in office. It will also adjust temperature of your room as you adjust it. It will tell you about presence of other workers in office as well. It will be a one-touch technology connecting people through any desired mean – phone, e-mail or instant messaging.
This productive software will be released and available in market within five to seven years. This new software is permanently exhibited at Microsoft’s corporate headquarters campus in Redmond. The organizers named this exhibition place Center for Information Work - CIW. At this center, university students from around the world are invited to give suggestions and ideas over office environment what they see in upcoming decade. 
When we see towards developments to make offices best in portability and mobile communication, we can expect that in 2015, people may have their office anywhere in the world while sitting at any place in ship or any resort and having a laptop in their hands.

Soleckshaw; Relieve To Mankind Part-2

If tests proved to be successful, these soleckshaws would get popularity before upcoming 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi. They will be a major transporting vehicle in movements between far placed sporting venues.
Rickshaws don’t effect an environment as other vehicles do. It will be a totally new picture of rickshaws for people. They will accept them. This was stated by Anumita Roychoudhary of Delhi-based Center for Science and Environment. Rickshaws always remained a big contributor in rendering solution for present-day traffic problems and pollution. They never played role in creating problems for mankind. 
One of the biggest environment issues is rapid increase of motor vehicles using fossil fuels. Common people of India reacted favorably to this new version. But rickshaw pullers are little bit unsure about its gains. Bappa Chatterjee told that pedaling cycle- rickshaw was very hard for me and required great physical effort. He is a 25 year old migratory. He came from West Bengal to New-Delhi. In only Delhi, there are 500,000 cycle-rickshaw pullers. He said that he often suffers from chest pains and problems in breathing in moving up inclines. This is really great and easier.
Before this new version people used to call us by saying rickshaw puller; there was no dignity. Police also used to treat us with dishonor. We often received fines from them. They use to allege us by saying that we are parking at wrong places. But now general public started respecting us.
Mohammed Matin Ansari is another rickshaw driver and migratory. He came to capital from eastern Bihar state. He stated that we will become member of family of car, bus and scooter drivers. We will have same respect in society which they are enjoying.
Soleckshaws would be great in bringing little families to recreational places like Taj Mahal. Currently battery-operated buses are being used to transport families to monument places in Agra. But as all know that there is a heavy rush of tourists coming to see these monuments therefore these few buses cannot meet the requirement.
Indian Government is conceiving and expecting very much from "soleckshaw". India's Science and Technology Minister Kapil Sibal praised this new version very much. He was happy to see this zero carbon foot print. He hopefully said that it will be used in other cities of India also in future.

Soleckshaw; Relieve To Mankind Part-1

A highly developed, solar powered model of cycle-rickshaw has been introduced in India. This new model assures to render a solution to problems of intensive bad situation, very serious pollution and reliance on fossil fuel. It will free mankind forever from hard human labor. These are some of the common problems people facing in densely populated cities of India's.
This new version with the name of "soleckshaw," is introduced this month in capital city of New Delhi. It is a motorized vehicle. It can be run by pedals and also can be driven from a solar power generated from 36-volt solar battery.
CSIR - Center for Scientific and Industrial Research - is behind the whole concept and development. It is a state-run establishment. It is not released for public use yet. These new model vehicles are being run in places like Old Delhi's Chandni Chowk area to check their specifications.
Chandni Chowk is one of the city's ancient and busiest commercial areas. It belongs back to Moghul era. It is having complex and confusing paths, narrow and twisting streets, obturated with big buses, automobiles (motorbikes and cycles) and general public.
Its biggest success will be improvement in living standards of rickshaw pullers. This was stated by Pradip Kumar Sarmah who is head of non-profit Center for Rural Development. It will raise status of job and also lessen backbreaking hard activity of pushing pedals. It will give them a new status of rickshaw drivers from rickshaw pullers. In India, there are approximately millions of cycle-rickshaws exceeding figure of eight million.
Features of this new remake include FM radio and points to charge up cellular phones. Many things are removed which were present in the old version like the weak and thin metal and wooden frames. These were the things giving Delhi rickshaws a dry and uninteresting appearance.
The maximum speed of "soleckshaw," is 15 km per hour which is equal to 9.3 miles. It features a more strengthened frame and bouncing foam seats. It is having a capacity to carry up three people. Its main energy source is its solar battery. It is having the maximum capacity to run the rickshaw up to 50 to 70 kilometers which is equal to 30 to 42 miles. Rickshaw drivers would be able to deposit expired batteries at centralized solar-powered charging stations. They would also be able to replace them by paying a nominal fee there.

Gitex’08; New Innovations & Enhancements In Existing Technologies

At Gitex’08, as we see that world’s giant manufacturing companies are present there to unveil their new creations and ideas but we also see that there are many existing technologies with some new features and innovations being introduced in them. 
Digital media portal
Major presentation is of the biggest entertainment and digital media portal in Middle East. Getmo is vendor of this release. Getmo is joint venture of two companies which include Arvato Middle East Sales FZ-LLC and Abu Dhabi Media Company.
It allows users to download audio/video music files, ringtones, video tones, wallpapers, games and animations to their media players, mobile phones or laptops. It works similar to Apple iTunes. Claudius Boller – Vice President of Business Development at Getmo Arabia – told media men that the portable is compatible with almost all types of audio/video formats. As we know that media files are available in lots of formats; new formats are also being introduced each day. He said that we want it to be useable anywhere in the world; keeping this in mind we made it workable with Filipino, Arabic and Western music. There are lots of things to do in Middle East region for the projection of music and entertainment technologies. This region lacks these services and products as compared to other regions of the world.
Solar backpack
We often see that two different products are combined to make an entirely new one and an end product is always very interesting. “Solar backpack” is a product created on same idea. It often happens that we are busy somewhere in an important event or meeting and mobile battery gets exhausted. This will be a solution to that havoc problem. You will be out of that condition for ever if you get purchase this new product. The solar backpack is loaded with all features of normal backpack available in market today. One additional feature of number of solar panels is also included into it. It is an extra convenient rendered to the user.
Panasonic’s 150” TV
Panasonic, which is a leading electronic company, is also there with its 150” TV set. This new release is featuring super full high definition. It is great for sport lovers to see great events on 150” screen. It features resolution of 2160 x 4096 pixels. At Gitex, it is offered in a price over Dh300, 000.

Google's Participation in Gitex'08 Dubai Event

The Leading International IT Trade Event for Enterprise and SMBs for Middle East, Africa and South Asia is going to start in Dubai. The event will continue to start from October 19 to 23. It will provide a largest IT procurement platform to this region of world. Thousands of senior technology managers and chief information officers have been invited to visit that event. Biggest technology organizations and companies will be provided with an opportunity to have an interaction with these high profile professional personalities. The event will be focused on some specific technology areas. 
Google is also participating in the Gitex’08 event. It will be its first time presence in any IT forum of Middle East. Google is expected to unveil its future plans for this region at this Gitex forum. Google will give a presentation of its tools and tell about its advantages for business establishments. That event is organized by Gitex Technology Week at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Google has some on going giant projects in Dubai. Google officials will be there to answer the questions of people with four other companies at Dubai Internet City (DIC) booth. Google is intended to give a presentation on projects going on Dubai and Meena also. There will be a good interaction with big number of visitors and media persons. Google will about its future plans for Dubai there.
This event will start with the presentation given by Husni Khuffash – Country Business Development Manager for UAE. He will initiate that educational event and express his vision about new trend of online marketing being followed by Mena marketing world.
Google will use this platform for the introduction of its some latest products such as Google Chrome. Google Chrome is a newly introduced search browser. Google management will present and educate its customers of local market about its latest products. Yasmina Brihi – Regional Marketing Manager for Mena- will have some words on iGoogle.
Google is looking forward to inform people about their enterprise level applications. Jesper Frederiksen, who is Head of Enterprise Emea, will be present on Google booth. He will educate the visitors about Google’s enterprise applications and answer their questions.
That will be the first ever presence and participation of Google at Gitex since the establishment of its office in Dubai in 2007. Google is highlighting its participation on different forums to get people know about that. Google will have focus on its plans to improve search engine experience in Arabic. Google will try to create awareness in local market about search advertising. Dubai is a big market place and there are lots of objectives still to be achieved from there.
Google is a technology leader presently. Each second Google provides lot of useful information to millions of people. Malek Al Malek, who is Executive Director of Dubai Internet City, said that in future we will be happy to make more future plans with Google to introduce new ways to grow IT industry in Middle East region.
Yasmina told that it is now a year and a half passed since the establishment of Google office in Dubai. In that short time, we worked very hard to educate Arab users about search marketing. Google also introduced Knol in Arabic during that period. This is the second language launched with Google, Gmail and Chrome globally. Google knows an importance of this region. This participation is a part of Google plans to increase an involvement of Arab people in search marketing.

Latest WD ShareSpace High-Speed Network Storage System

WD – Western Digital – is the top vendor of external storage solutions. It is a leading company to manufacture storage devices across the world. They are also participating at Gitex 2008 exhibition to present their latest WD ShareSpace high-speed network storage system. This system is designed for requirements of small offices and home networks. It will provide a cost-effective and centralized storage solution for small sized networks. User can safely store all of its important documents without fearing getting it lost. It is the company’s first release for small-office network storage market. It is a part of their plan to provide their customers storage devices having ease-of-use, best design and value altogether. People know these attributes of their products as they have already been using WD My Book and My Passport by the same company.
The previous WD centralized storage devices were designed for enterprise level companies having big IT departments. These products proved to be best in improving business’s collaboration through keeping their digital assets safe. Now, company wants to render these benefits to its small office customers also. The device is easy-to-set-up and smaller in size covering up little space in room. The unit comprises of 4-bay storage systems featuring Gigabit Ethernet. It is having capacity to render up the storage space up to 4 TB and possesses multiple RAID configurations.
The technological methods being used nowadays for sharing data in small offices are very much awkward, hefty, large in size and also inconvenient to use. Usually files are shared via e-mail or thumb drives. WD ShareSpace network-attached storage systems enable these small sized organizations to centralize their data and make it highly accessible for all users. The great thing about this device is that WD ShareSpace storage systems are not designed for limited purposes. You can also share and access all of your documents remotely via WD’s MioNet; it is a Web access service. 
To secure data, it is extremely essential to back it up on regular basis whether you are having it in office or home. For this essential job, company included WD Anywhere Backup™ software in this device. It features high capacity more than enough for small business requirements. It provides simplified and automated backup utility, which continuously processes. Multiple users can use it. During installation of WD Anywhere Back software, user is given an option to select files and folders for regular backups. Now user is free; software will automatically update and backup these marked files and folders with any new change without demanding further instructions. The company also incorporated WD’s GreenPower™ drive technology in it. It consumes less energy than other arrangements, which is decreased up to 33%. It also means that your office environment will be cool and quite.
The product is launched in two capacities – 2 TB and 4 TB. The MSRP for 2 TB and 4 TB WD ShareSpace storage systems is 699.99 USD and 999.99 USD. It is available at WD’s online store www.wdc.com.

80-Core Chips; Futuristic Technology By Intel

Intel displays future of personal computing at its Gitex stand. The whole system comprises of wire and tube-filled box. It looks as it is a science project of school boys. But the concept is very much large. It doesn’t give an attractive look but it is the most futuristic technological machine being introduced at Gitex’08 event. Visitors at Gitex may not get compelled to see it due to its physical awkward design. One and the only part of this machine is 80-core chip. It has been developed by Intel’s research and development department.
Presently two-core chips are being used in computers having less functioning speed. This chip will be the fastest one and can reach up to 1 teraflops. This means that it can perform 1 trillion operations in just one second. It is almost 100 times faster than the two-core chips available in market today. It will be great and specifically created to run mathematical equations. It can solve the most complicated ones also. This product is not entirely new. It was firstly introduced in 2006.
Nitin Borkar – senior engineer at Intel – is there on Intel stand to demonstrate and tell about its functioning. He told that it cannot be used to run anything else on it except the told one; he specially mentioned games. The developers will prepare its software in near time; it hasn’t been written yet. Work is going on it.
The machine is greatly futuristic and a man of today’s world would hardly believe it. It will be available in market in future (It hasn’t been released for sale yet) but even after its release home-users would not be benefitted by it. Sam Al Schamma – Regional Director of Intel – told that this chip would be useable for home-users after a decade and a half. At that time, it will also be a need of home customers but not today. 
The technology will be very much advanced. He pointed out that in future there will be an application in market which could identify any person in pictures. That kind of application is like a dream today because web searches only work on keywords and they are blind to see and compare images. In one or two decades, it is expected that systems would be able to compare facial features also. 
He said that multi-core chips enable manufacturing companies to increase number of transistor every 18 to 24 months. In technological industry, it is known as Moore’s Law to double the number in that period. This 80-core is designed to help manufacturing companies following that law.